Career Advising + Coaching

Working 1:1 with career pivot’ers, job seekers, + career enhancers to create that quality fit for quality of life. Curb wasted time. Increase empowerment instead.

Barbara offers a variety of coaching packages. From pursuing an entire career pivot, to seeking new opportunities, or advancing within your current role: these sessions are customized to suit your needs by leveraging a person-centered and strengths-based approach. Stand-alone meetings are priced at $85/50 minute session. Hey, people get tattooed for more than this! Tattoos + Career Investments: both lifelong … except one can be removed 😜. We welcome you to begin with a $30, 30 minute Career Consult. She also offers 3 Career Coaching Packages, all which cost $82/session or less. The more sessions you choose?
The lower the price per session.

3 BE Career Development Sessions

3 Career Development Sessions
spanning 3 weeks to 3 months

Pay as You Go: $82/session ($246 total)

Pay Upfront: $80/session ($240 total)

Pay Upfront Savings: $15 (that’s $5 off 3 individually priced $85 sessions)

Opportunity + Benefit of Bundling: we create time and space to do authentic work on your career development, values, and goals

5 BE Career Development Sessions

5 Career Development Sessions
spanning 5 weeks to 5 months

Pay as You Go: $80/session ($400 total)

Pay Upfront: $77/session ($385 total)

Pay Upfront Savings: $40 (that’s $8 off 5 individually priced $85 sessions)

Opportunity + Benefit of Bundling: we create time and space for that quality fit, and we keep you accountable on following-through

8 BE Career Development Sessions

8 Career Development Sessions
spanning 8 weeks to 8 months

Pay as You Go: $77/session ($616 total)

Pay Upfront: $75/session ($600 total)

Pay Upfront Savings: $80 (that’s $10 off 8 individually priced $85 sessions)

Opportunity + Benefit of Bundling: obtain quality fit, quicker. Especially if you are a $60k+/yr earner: this is for you, as it can take 1 month for every $10k to find quality fit

~ read testimonials + learn about the BE Career Development client referral discount program ~

Sessions do expire, so it is important to stay active in your career development + meet at least monthly

~ we’ll meet at least once/month + no more than once/week ~