• BE Job Search Savvy 101!

    The videos really helped me understand self care ... I love how concise and digestible it is.
    ~ Deane B., Designer

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BE Job Search Savvy 101

BE Job Search Savvy 101
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Welcome to BE Job Search Savvy 101! Where we bust 9 Job Search Myths + Misconceptions holding you back, replace these myths with 9 Empowering Reframes, and where you learn 10 Core Job Search Best Practices. All while nurturing sustainable self-care. Why?? So you gain that competitive edge for quality work, with quality fit, + quality of life! ✨

✓ 9 job search myths + misconceptions busted
✓ 9 empowering job search reframes
✓ 10 core jobs search best practices
✓ 30+ evidenced-base self care strategies + exercises
✓ videos guiding you in work smart self care

What you’ll learn

BE Job Search Savvy 101

Welcome to BE Job Search Savvy 101!

Gain the competitive edge ✨ You’ll receive:

  • Access to Job Search Secrets

    • 9 myths + misconceptions

    • 9 empowering reframes

    • 10 core job search best practices

  • Self-Care Worksheets

    • 3 guidelines to gratitude

    • 10 healthy coping strategies

    • 20 Self Care Savvy suggestions

    • Credit Journal for resume and interview prep

    • Custom This is How cognitive exercise

  • Intro Videos to Guide

    • in job search and career development

    • and in navigating these worksheets

The videos really helped me understand self care ... I love how concise and digestible it is.

- Deane B, Designer

~ Purchase just the “Work Smart Self Care Guide”! • Free w BE Job Search Savvy 101 ~

Think about it this way:

  • Ever wonder why those who are less qualified land?

  • Why you’re not attracting high-quality opportunities?

  • Why your job search isn’t yielding high roi + results?

 Honestly, oftentimes the answer is simple …

You’re simply playing-into Job Search Misconceptions + Myths. These disempower, de-energize, de-motivate, + quite frankly … they trick you. Especially for career pivot'ers.

Ready to BE Excellent • BE Energized • BE Endlessly You!??

 For quality fit, for quality work, + quality of life. Because career investments make a difference.

Cheers to being your best you! ✨

Meet your instructor

From trauma survivor 💗 to thriver. Barbara Ellen Leicht has leveraged these job search + self care strategies in her own career while transforming invisible disabilities into superpowers. In fact, in her own career she’s successfully negotiated 100% over offer—for an 8% pay increase. In her next role, she landed 47% higher! Let Barbara guide you in landing high-quality work, with quality fit, for quality of life.

feedback from Clients who are Leaders in their field

  • Workshops

    “Barb is an energetic, compassionate, positive, and supportive coach with a huge passion for helping others. When I first met Barb, I was skeptical about career coaching; however, I knew I had to do something different because what I was doing just was not working. The career workshops she led were well-laid out, easy to follow, and informative—she really knows her stuff! […] Ultimately, I was able secure my first dream job where I worked for 3.5 years. Recently, I transitioned to a career in philanthropy at the Greater Rochester Health Foundation—and I absolutely love it! The lessons learned with her are with me still and helped me through the entire application and interview process.”

  • Career Coaching

    “… An amazing career coach who helped me transform my resume, boost my confidence, and land a transition job. [Barbara shared her] expertise, insights, and resources with me, and supported me throughout the process. I am so grateful for [these] services and I highly recommend … to anyone who needs career guidance.”

  • Leadership

    “Barbara is a highly respected and accomplished leader who helps others to navigate the Career Development process. While working with her, Barbara’s clients feel empowered and ready for success! […] Barbara is a person who exudes positive, uplifting energy. She is highly engaged with others and draws her audience in with her warm personality.”

Work Smart Self Care

Work Smart Self Care ☆

Why Work Smart Self Care??

  1. Because Self Care Matters: it is sustainable for mind, body, spirit ... and career!

  2. Because Work Smartimproves lives + careers!!

Whether career developing or not, make Work Smart Self Care work for you!

What you'll get:

  • 3 guidelines to gratitude

  • 10 healthy coping strategies

  • 20 Self Care Savvy suggestions

  • Credit Journal for motivation and resume as well as interview prep

  • Custom This is How cognitive exercise

These are accessible, evidenced-based, tried + true practices--many custom created by Barbara Ellen.

In addition to being a 10+ year career Mindset Career Coach Barbara Ellen Leicht, MSEd is a trauma survivor turned thriver 💗 and has advanced her career and enhanced her life by leveraging these core self care strategies ✨

Cheers to being your best you! ✨

Barbara Ellen Leicht, MSEd
Career Coach • Creator • Owner
Trauma Survivor 💗 Turned Thriver 

**This e-book does not replace your healthcare practices, such as doctor's visits + taking medication or supplements.

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